A transformative Marketing Masterclass you NEED to watch

It's been an... interesting week.

I've been working tirelessly over copy for the website changes we're making.

It's the type of work that feels like it's going nowhere.

Rewrite, then reread, then rewrite, then make this small change, and that small change, then get distracted, then another rewrite, and the cycle continues.

The vision is there, but you have to chisel the marble away to reveal it.

For me, it started with a bullet-point brain dump.

Listen to me. No matter what you're working on or going through, clearing your head with a brain dump is a game-changer. Get it down on paper/computer/wherever just get it out of your head.

People say laughter is the best medicine, but it actually just might be the bullet point brain dump.

After that, I moved on to a mood board on Figma, a tool I can't recommend enough if you're a visual learner. They offer a free limited account for Figjam, which is what I use.

Here's an example of how I'm mood-boarding the YouTube channel direction. I capture things I like all in one place and then write out little things I want to remember and where I want to steal like an artist.

It makes for a great reference and way to work.

Anyway, Lauren and I have been talking a lot the last couple weeks, which is great because our time zone differences and my tendency to hermin can make that difficult, and it's helped me to get more of a feeling for what I want Create and Go to be in this next evolution.

  • How we can best serve our audience
  • What products are next
  • How we'll work with other people and brands
  • The position and style of our content
  • And all of those things you should take a deep look at every couple of years in any business.

This is especially important when you buy into or acquire a business. You have to take time to get acclimated.

You have to pay attention, look around at how people are best serving that market, and figure out how you're going to be better, and what will make you different.

You have to get your feet wet and understand the market you're serving and determine what you can bring to it.

Over the last month or so, we've started to feel more excited about the changes and it's getting to the point where we've been working on new resources, opt-ins, rewriting our About page, website copy, and so on.

I felt the excitement and the vision, but I was still finding it difficult to translate this vision into actual copy. It still felt difficult to say what I wanted to say.

I had to take a step back.

Whenever I do this, I like to take a little time away, go for a walk, and clear my head.

So this is what I did...

Lucky for me, it was as if all the forces of the universe were aligning in my favor when I came back to my phone after the time away.

This tends to happen when you take a small step back from a problem.

You let go and it allows your unconscious to find ways to solve the problem as you carry on.

You've seen this if you've ever solved a problem in your sleep, had an epiphany while driving, or had the infamous shower thought lightbulb moment.

After my shower and rehydration, I collapsed into bed (because I'm way too big to be doing all that walking), I opened the YouTube app, and I found a video that was EXACTLY what I needed.

video preview

For context, I took FIFTY-NINE highlights/snips during the video that I added to my second brain.

The way Harry articulates copy and talks about marketing is...remarkable.

He helped me get my mind unstuck on how we're communicating our own brand, and there were so many takeaways. I even went and signed up for his email list and spent all day browsing his websites.

His advice is actionable, easy to digest, clear, concise, and overall this is just a great interview between two brilliant creatives.

I will personally be incorporating the checklist and comparison example he shows around the 30:00 minute mark on our own website and sales page copy. There are so many gems in here.

So, if you have time (or even if you don't), check it out.

You won't regret it. I'll share some of the takeaways I got and how we put them into action as we continue to create new copy and implement changes on Create and Go.

I hope you've had a great week, finish strong!

Quote of the Week

Kenny Smith American sports commentator and former basketball player

“Champions do daily, what everyone else does occasionally. Champions are not extraordinary, they just do the ordinary things … extra”

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Create and Go | Launch Your Blog Biz

From former CPA and EMT Responder to full-time digital creators 👩🏻‍💻👨🏼‍💻 that built a 7-figure online business that all started with a small health and wellness blog. ➡️ Join 30,000 others and receive our Blog Launch Challenge to learn more about how you can start and grow your own online business from scratch! 🔥

Read more from Create and Go | Launch Your Blog Biz
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