AI Search and the Effects on SEO

Hey y’all!

I just dropped a new video on the channel, and I wanted to share some key takeaways with you about how AI is transforming search and what it means for us content creators.

If you have time I highly recommend checking out the video to hear some of the insights around the changing landscape of SEO.

But if you don't have time for all of that, here's what you REALLY need to know:

The AI Revolution in Search

OpenAI’s SearchGPT and Google’s Search Generative Experience (SGE) are shaking things up.

  1. AI is providing direct, conversational answers at the top of search results.
  2. This could lead to a decrease in organic traffic, similar to when Google introduced snippets.
  3. But don’t panic! It’s opening up new opportunities, especially for those who haven’t been able to rank in top positions before.
  4. This isn't actually NEW, (I've seen this around for a year or so now) but it just seems to be picking up steam, especially with the increase in competition from OpenAI's new SearchGPT and Perplexity.

What This Means for Your Content and SEO Strategy

As we navigate this new landscape, here are some strategies to consider that we are embracing more and more. A lot of this is already covered in the newest update in our course, but I wanted to reiterate it here.

  1. Concise and Informative: Start your content with clear, concise information. Get to the point quickly and make sure the user gets the answer to their question as soon as possible.
  2. Personal Expertise: Infuse your content with your unique experiences and insights. This is something AI can’t replicate!
  3. Focus on User Intent: Think about what your audience really wants to know and answer that directly.
  4. Embrace “Generative Engine Optimization” (GEO): Create content that’s ideal for AI chatbots to share. (I'll cover more on this in a later email)

I explain this in more detail in our newest video on the YouTube channel:

Is AI going to kill organic search traffic?

The E-E-A-T Factor

Remember all of the times we have talked about EEAT (Expertise, Experience, Authority, and Trust)?

It’s more important than ever. Google is prioritizing content from people who are genuinely involved in their industry and have real experience. Yes, creators are getting hit, but Google updates have been happening for as long as Google has existed and this definitely isn't my first rodeo.

From the Medic Update to Rankbrain to the last Helpful Content Update, we have continued to see traffic ebb and flow and we continue to stay in the game because there is always room for SOMEONE to win.

It's like I have been telling a lot of SEO clients that have reached out "It's okay if you got hit, your site being affected by a Google update is not a matter of "if" but a matter of "when". It happens to all of us and it's part of the game."

My Take

Y’all, as I mention in the video I think this is actually a great opportunity for creators who are willing to get a little weird and experimental with their content. There’s never been a better time to try something different and let your unique voice shine through.

At Create and Go, we’re going to start experimenting with shorter, more concise, and helpful content alongside our usual long-form pieces and we’ll be focusing on adding that personal touch and satisfying user intent as quickly as possible.

What’s Next?

I’d love to hear your thoughts on this. Have you checked out SearchGPT or any of these new AI features? How are you planning to adapt your content strategy?

Drop a comment on the video or hit reply to this email. Let’s chat about it!

Keep creating, keep experimenting, and remember – your unique voice is your superpower in this AI-driven world.

P.S. If you’re feeling a bit overwhelmed by all these changes, don’t worry. We’re all figuring this out together. Stay tuned for more updates and strategies as we navigate this new frontier!

Quote of the Week

From Google's Developer Page “SEO can be a helpful activity when it is applied to people-first content, rather than search engine-first content.”

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