The Untold Side of AI

Let’s talk about the hottest topic in the creator industry right now, one we've brought up here and there over the last few months.

The technology that either you think will save the world or destroy it, with seemingly no in-between.

Yep, you guessed it… AI.

I know, I've been talking about it a lot lately, but there's a reason for that.

When AI first came onto the scene, it seemed like there were two camps:

  • The terrified
  • The excited

You can guess which camp I was in...

Where others saw a technology that was destroying the livelihoods of artists, providing a shortcut, and ruining the creation of content, I saw an opportunity.

I saw a technology that lowered the barrier to entry to being a creator.

I was confused by the sentiment of everyone around me… I’m a creator too.

I care about creators as much as anyone.

Why was I suddenly sitting at the proverbial “opposite side of the table” from my colleagues, defending a technology they thought was so evil?

This bothered me.

I began heavily researching AI and for the last year, I have used AI in everything from creating content, writing code, generating images, and managing my second brain (more on this in a future email).

Speaking of AI and writing content, here's a quick word (and a freebie) from this week's sponsor:

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My Obsession With AI

I talked to many of my creator friends all along the way and none of them seemed to be using AI in th way that I was.

Many of them were curious, asking me to show them how I use my own trained AI -- and some thought that what I was doing was wrong (we'll agree to disagree).

I’ve heard it all over the last year that I’ve been learning about this technology: Everything from “sell out” to “cheater” and my personal favorite because I live in the Bible Belt: “sinner.” 🙄

The problem?

None of those thoughts and opinions are going to stop these technologies from being adopted in the future.

The facts of the situation are that adoption of this technology is growing.

In fact, it’s already being implemented into your devices right now by corporations whether you are a fan of the idea or not.

You may have even noticed AI features popping up here and there on platforms like Spotify and the new journal feature for Apple, an exciting development for me as I am very interested in the neuroscience and benefits of journaling combined with AI.

You may have heard about the new video-generating tool from OpenAI called ​Sora ​and the introduction of the new multimodal ​ChatGPT-4o​.

Now, with a partnership announced between OpenAI and Apple, things are picking up speed quickly.

This technology isn’t slowing down.

I think as time has developed, more of my friends, creators, and even our audience of people at Create and Go are starting to become more curious and open to this technology.

So the question becomes:

How can we use AI to our advantage?

Well, first of all, you have to understand that the goal is not to be replaced by AI and to have a machine doing all of your work with very little insight or input from you. But instead to look at using AI as a collaborative effort, a tool that will help you get more quality work done, in less time.

I've been working on some pretty exciting projects with AI lately that I will start sharing soon.

I'll also share news and updates about A and how it can help you in your business as new tools are introduced.

If you're in the came of still feeling some resistance to AI, I encourage you to open your mind about it.

I know that there are downsides to it. There are with every revolutionary breakthrough. Social media is a perfect example.

But as I said, this technology is only growing, and if you can be an early adopter, you can get a massive advantage on your competition.

In the very least, view AI-related content as a resource to be aware of new developments and what's going on in your field.

You don't HAVE to use it, but you should be aware of it because I guarantee you that most of your competitors (or soon-to-be competitors) are using it.

My Current Favorite AI Resources (All Free)

Do you have any favorite AI tools that I should know about? Hit reply and let me know!

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Create and Go | Launch Your Blog Biz

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