
Create and Go | Launch Your Blog Biz

From former CPA and EMT Responder to full-time digital creators 👩🏻‍💻👨🏼‍💻 that built a 7-figure online business that all started with a small health and wellness blog. ➡️ Join 30,000 others and receive our Blog Launch Challenge to learn more about how you can start and grow your own online business from scratch! 🔥

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A transformative Marketing Masterclass you NEED to watch

It's been an... interesting week. I've been working tirelessly over copy for the website changes we're making. It's the type of work that feels like it's going nowhere. Rewrite, then reread, then rewrite, then make this small change, and that small change, then get distracted, then another rewrite, and the cycle continues. The vision is there, but you have to chisel the marble away to reveal it. For me, it started with a bullet-point brain dump. Listen to me. No matter what you're working on...

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Hey y'all, This email is going to be a little more personal and quite a bit longer, but I hope that talking selfishly about myself for a few minutes will provide you with a little motivation and encouragement for where you are on your journey. These kinds of emails are honestly my favorite, because I get to talk about the real stuff. From the beginning that was always what was different about Create and Go to me. That realness, that authenticity, that transparency. These emails allow me to...

Hey y'all! I hope you're having a good week. Today's topic is something Lauren and I have been talking about a lot lately. Pivoting. Now, I don't know what you think of when you think of pivoting, but for me... It's always the Friends scene with the couch... (I have never actually even seen Friends, but I still know of this scene). BUT THEN I think about leaving something behind, admitting "failure" or "giving up". Pivoting is something that's really hard for me. I like change, but I also can...

Hey y’all! I just dropped a new video on the channel, and I wanted to share some key takeaways with you about how AI is transforming search and what it means for us content creators. If you have time I highly recommend checking out the video to hear some of the insights around the changing landscape of SEO.But if you don't have time for all of that, here's what you REALLY need to know: The AI Revolution in Search OpenAI’s SearchGPT and Google’s Search Generative Experience (SGE) are shaking...

Hey there! It's Lauren here today! If you create YouTube shorts or have been thinking about starting a YouTube channel and maybe getting into Shorts, I have some interesting insights to share with you that might make you think twice about your content strategy. I recently started a new business and YouTube channel with my brother called Mindful Max. It's all about mindfulness and mental health in our social media, device, and dopamine-driven world. We just started the YouTube channel about 2...

One of the biggest things that intimidated me when I first became an online creator was the idea of building my own website. I had a mental image of a young Mark Zuckerberg-type nerd sitting behind the keyboard typing away like that scene of Jim Carrey from "Bruce Almighty", you know the one... But once I actually sat down to create my own website almost 7 years ago now, I realized it wasn't that bad. I didn't have to be a tech wizard to get my website finished... but man did it take a lot...

Show your work flywheel chart

Last week during our office hours in Six-Figure Blog Builder, a conversation came up from one of the members of the Creators Club about how to balance doing the work and sharing the work. They were curious about how to create products and content for their audience while also trying to do the work they needed to get done, and in a world with more distractions and seemingly less time for things than ever, this is a really fair question. In that conversation, I brought up Austin Kleon’s book,...

Let’s talk about the hottest topic in the creator industry right now, one we've brought up here and there over the last few months. The technology that either you think will save the world or destroy it, with seemingly no in-between. Yep, you guessed it… AI. I know, I've been talking about it a lot lately, but there's a reason for that. When AI first came onto the scene, it seemed like there were two camps: The terrified The excited You can guess which camp I was in... Where others saw a...

Hey there, I hope you're doing well today! This week, I wanted to do something a little different. I wanted to dedicate this email to a couple of questions from one of our email subscribers, Corey. I think they're great questions that are relevant to most of you and I'd love to let everyone get the benefit of the answers. By the way, thank you for sending these in. I love to read the replies from y'all. It means a lot and is one of my favorite parts of this work. So, let's hop right in with...

Growing social accounts from zero sucks, am I right? You have great ideas and you invest a lot of time into your content... only to get ZERO eyeballs on it. I'm feeling that right now. By the way, Noah has been writing our emails as of late, but today, this is Lauren speaking! 👋🏼 I just started a new business with my brother two weeks ago and the zeroes are weighing heavily on us right now. So much so that I POURED over Reddit threads looking for some validation on my experiences... to make...